First and foremost, I would like to apologize for my month-long hiatus. it was completely unintentional. Unfortunately I don't get graded for my blog.
1) Starbucks has cupcakes. Really good cupcakes. I didn't know this before a few weeks ago because evidently only certain Starbucks get cupcakes. Of the 3 near me, only one had the little sweet cakes from heaven with an additional dollop of amazingness on top. Upon ordering my red velvet event, the barista carefully extricated the spot of color from the display of chocolate and vanilla and placed it in a fascinatingly specific cupcake box. Perhaps I am alone in my love of a) small boxes and b) product specific supplements, but let me just say this cupcake was an enjoyable experience.
2) Starbucks has a sense of humor. Five days ago, Starbucks released it's plan to start offering new sizes, the Plenta (128 fl. oz.) and the Micra (2 fl. oz.) in response to requests from customers. This "plenta" would certainly come in handy for people you need to stay caffeinated all day but can't get away; it makes perfect sense! And the adorable little micra gives new meaning to the phrase of "shot of caffeine." Of course, five days ago was April Fools Day. This was the perfect article, just outlandish enough that people would know it was a joke, but supported well enough that people would be drawn in. These are the April Fools jokes I love; my school newspaper used to release some sort of April Fools or The Onion-esque edition with articles exactly like this. So when I saw this on a friend's facebook, I fell in love with Starbucks all over again. I haven't been on the other side of this written joke in awhile, and I love to see people and companies not take themselves too seriously.
a) Attention blood donators, tea (and other caffeine) reduces your blood's ability to retain iron. Before you donate blood, try to lay off the iced tea for a few days (Trust me, I know its a challenge, but donating blood is a great cause, totally worth it.)
b) Tip for brewing tea: If you want stronger tea, use two tea bags. If you just leave the one tea bag to steep longer, your tea will start to become uber bitter and not worth your taste buds. With extra tea leaves however, the tea will just become more flavorful and a perfect match for your high standard taste buds.
I) You've made it this far, why not go all out.
i)If you're involved in something, be involved, make your voice heard, and BE CONFIDENT! (sorry, inner cheerleader thought caps lock was necessary for that statement)
ii)If you're doing well in classes, don't slack off because the grade doesn't matter, test your boundaries to see just how well you can do.
II) Life is not a fairy tale.
I do not live in a fairy tale or dream world. As unfortunate as this may be, I'm ok with it because I know that I would hate living in a fairy tale. Prince charming is probably actually a jerk because he knows he's charming so he has become a player throughout the years. The big castle probably has horrible draft problems and is in constant need for repair. The serendipitous fate that accompanies most chick flicks is not only unrealistic, but quite boring. If everything magically falls into place one day, what am I to do after that?
III) Know yourself.
When you tell people what you believe, they respect you a lot more if you are firm.
Know your standards, hold people to them.
Know your opinions, persuade people.
Know yourself, make people love you.