1. It all started when Ethiopian goats used to dance when they had coffee berries. (I would pay BIG money to see some [well-treated] dancing goats)
2. Bathing in coffee grounds and pineapple pulp improves skin quality and reduces wrinkles.
3. Rise of Islam helped rise of coffee because alcohol was not allowed so people switched to coffee.
4. Hawaii is the only US state that grows coffee
5. 1675 king of England banned coffeehouses because he thought that’s where people met to conspire against him (he was probably right, revolutions start in coffeehouses…that’s why I’m here, of course)
6. Coffee is the second most traded item on earth. Oil is #1. (Priorities, people.)
7. “Cup of Joe” comes from "GI Joes” in WWII who drank a lot of coffee. The "Americano" (espresso and water) comes from them too because that’s what they drank. (Probably wanted to make it last longer.)
And 7 random facts about tea:
1. Tea is second only to water as far as most consumed.
2. People have been drinking tea for thousands of years
3. All types of tea come from the same plant, it just depends on when you pick it. (remember that commercial from a couple years ago where the guy goes on the quest to understand white tea and the little old man says something about baby tea?)
4. If you don’t like milk, drink tea. Builds strong bones! (and strengthens the immune system, lowers cholesterol, helps the heart, reduces risk of cancer, fights tumors, )
5. Tea also helps quell hunger (don’t diet, drink tea!)
6. Excessive amounts aren’t bad (whew) In fact, its recommended you drink at least three cups a day.
7. Iced tea was invented in America (Go us!)
So that was for the mind, make yourself some tea (or coffee if you must) for the soul. Happy Thursday.
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